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〜7, November (Thu.) 〜

<8:30〜9:25> Registration

<9:25〜9:30> Opening Remark (Prof. Kazuo Sakurai, The Univ. of Kitakyushu)

<9:30〜10:00> Invited lecture 1 Prof. Xuesi Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences) “Nanomedicine for cancer treatment”


<10:00〜10:20> General lecture 1 Assoc. Prof. Eiji Yuba (Osaka Prefecture University) “Design of pH-sensitive polymer-based immunity-inducing systems”


<10:20〜10:40> General lecture 2 Dr. Huayu Tian (Chinese Academy of Sciences) “Tumor Microenvironment Responsive Gene and Drug Carriers for Efficient Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy”


<10:40〜10:50> Coffee break


<10:50〜11:10> General lecture 3 Prof. Yoshiki Katayama (Kyushu University)

 “Synthetic Molecules for regulating Antibody-dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity

 ~Synthetic Alternative of Therapeutic Antibody~”


<11:10〜11:30> General lecture 4 Prof. Zhaohui Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) “Nanodrugs of vascular disrupting agents for tumor treatment”


<11:30〜13:00> Lunch and poster session


<13:00〜13:30> Invited lecture 2 Prof. Asako Yamayoshi (Nagasaki University)

 “Development of novel antibody-conjugated oligonucleotides for targeting circulating microRNA”

<13:30〜13:50> General lecture 5 Assoc. Prof. Wei Yan (Hubei University)

 “Preparation and application of water-soluble metal nanoparticles”


<13:50〜14:10> General lecture 6 Dr. Naohiko Shimada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

“Rational design of UCST-type ureido copolymers based on ahydrophobic parameter”

<14:10〜14:20> Coffee break

<14:20〜14:40> General lecture 7 Prof. Chaoliang He (Chinese Academy of Sciences) “Injectable polypeptide hydrogels for localized combination tumor therapy”


<14:40〜15:00> General lecture 8 Assoc. Prof. Yosuke Okamura (Tokai University)

 “Polymer Nanosheet Wrapping for High Quality Bioimaging”


<15:00〜15:20> General lecture 9 Dr. Xuan Pang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

 “Polylactide-based Materials: Catalysis and Stereostructure”

​<15:20〜15:40> General lecture 10 Daoxiang Huang (Kyushu University)

​"Stiffness-optimized drug-loaded matrix for selective capture and elimination of cancer cells"

<16:30〜17:00> Moving to banquet venue by bus 

<17:00〜19:00> Free time

<19:00〜22:00> Banquet 

〜8, November (Fri.) 〜

<8:50~14:00> The joint meeting session for the branch of the Chinese Biomaterials
               Society and Japanese Society for Biomaterials



​Poster Presentation

Recomend Poster size: A0

Poster board size: 900×1200 mm

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